Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Food Democracy Now

Tell Tom Vilsack to stand up for family farmers.

It’s time to end the bureaucratic squabbling at the USDA and put beginning and minority farmers first.

What new and minority farmers need most is access to affordable land — unfortunately USDA officials are stalling a potential solution.

A new program created by sustainable agriculture advocates in the 2008 Farm Bill, called the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) Transition Option, offers incentives to land owners enrolled in the CRP to sell or lease the land to beginning and minority farmers using sustainable or organic practices at the end of CRP contracts.

Please sign this petition to help grow the next generation of sustainable and organic farmers by giving them access to the land.

Currently, 4.3 million acres enrolled in CRP are about to leave the program and this land is badly needed by the next generation of farmers to overcome the greatest obstacle to new farmers – affordable land.2

Unfortunately the USDA’s bureaucratic wrangling and fear of lawsuits is holding up implementation of this vital program. Rather than release the land as it should be under new Farm Bill rules, the USDA is holding it up with an unnecesary environmental impact study. Any further delay will deny beginning and minority farmers the opportunity to get access to the land they need in the next 2 years.3

Please join Food Democracy Now! by asking Secretary Vilsack to implement the Conservation Reserve Program Transition Option now.

Our beginning and minority farmers don’t have a moment to waste.

Please sign this petition to tell Secretary Vilsack to provide access to a new generation of beginning and minority farmers so they can create more sustainable and organic farms.

Sustainably yours,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team.

If you'd like to see Food Democracy Now!'s grassroots work continue, please consider donating as little as $10 or $25. We appreciate your support!


1. 2008 U.S. Farm Bill Enhances Beginning Farmer Provisions

2. CRP Transition Option

3. USDA Delays Land Program that Enables Beginning Farmers

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for posting this on your blog --- We appreciate your willingness to spread the word on this important issue on behalf of aspiring farmers, local and sustainable agriculture. Keep up the good work!

    Lisa Stokke, Asst. Director
    Food Democracy Now!
